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Thank you for visiting my website. As some of you know I have been staying at home healing my back and getting back on the bike. I just remembered that I had a Facebook Group called...
Willard Fanny Moonshine and I have begun to promote that once again.
I want to introduce you to the magical machine that saved my life.
It's called Kangen Water. I heard about it and was told it would work wonders on my 77 year old body and it sounded too good to be true...but for once it panned out and completely healed me so now I can ride bikes once again and do the things that I used to do when I was a lot younger. EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET ON THIS WATER. IT TRULY SAVED MY LIFE AND IT CAN SAVE YOURS ALSO.
Watch these videos
Watch this will change your life!
Dr. Robert Wright on Cancer
You need to watch this shows you how Kangen helps your blood immediately .......
Donald Trump on Kangen
Okay you watched the 5 videos???
Everyone needs this machine. Most say they can't afford it. You can finance it for less than $100/mo and it will last you a lifetime. If you have diabetes, most get off their insulin within 2 months of drinking this water. Got Cancer? The water won't cure it but since cancer can't live in an alkaline body, it will go into remission.

Look at me, the fuckers wanted to put me in a wheelchair 4 years ago, didn't want me to walk or ride my bike. BULLSHIT
I found out about this water and told myself I needed to try something and this especially won't kill me, hell, it's only water! But I realized that our bodies are made up of 75% water! I bought the machine and it has been the best investment I have ever made in my 77 years.
I had diabetes for nearly 40 years...3 months on this water, I'm Diabetic FREE!
Tell'em Willard sent you!

This is my set-up...notice the Kangen Machine. I use Kangen Water 9.5 exclusively for my shine.

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